Not something you are ever likely to hear a farmer say; especially not a Karoo Farmer. The weather is an all consuming passion; something that is discussed with enthusiasm, no matter how recently it was last discussed. We were lucky enough to get very complete rainfall records of the farm. Unfortunately not since its founding, but from 1916 to the date of takeover. The Karoo is renown for its limited rainfall. Although this part has been blessed with relatively high precipitation compared to other parts, the watchword is 'drought is only six weeks away'.

There rainy season is from September to March, although heave rain may be recorded in any month of the year. With the exception of the years 1964 - 1973, the 10 year moving average has ranged betweem 400 and 500mm per year; the "quoted rainfall" given when, for example, advertising a farm for sale is 450mm per annum.
The 10 year moving average for the farm has risen steeply over the last 7 years, currently it is 538mm. Indeed since we acquired the farm, we have experienced the second and fourth highest rainfall since the records started.
While this analysis is hardly rigorously scientific, it seems that, unlike other parts of the world, or South Africa, this little area is becoming a 'higher' rainfall region. This can only be good for the farm.
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