One of the unexpected free benefits of the farm came in the form of four fluffy ginger farm cats, and a border collie cross sheep dog - James JMMWG (!) du Preez nicknamed 'Jimmy'. The problem with James is that he is scared of sheep. Not much value added there. He lives to ride on the back of the bakkie (pickup truck) and to eat. The cruelest thing a person can do to him is feed him and then go and start up the diesel bakkie near him. Instant crisis of indecision!
The cats are what is referred to as 'werf' katte; not house cats, but certainly not wild or feral either. The live in the barns and out building and do an amazing job of keeping down rats and mice. They are enormous friendly and fluffy and love being sociable with the family. According to neighbours, all the ginger cats in the district are related to these - a seriously dominant gene pool obviously.
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