The Zim contingent left to return to Zim in mid January. Brother R would be returing to the farm on 26 February so we could take ownership of the farm on 1 March. The date was chosen as it is the first day of the tax year in SA.
While waiting for the day to arrive, I got busy buying essentials for the farm - DSTV, electric blankets, rudimentary amounts of house hold goods etc. I/someone would be on the farm, in an empty farmhouse from 1 March until the date of arrival of the family from Zimbabwe. As it turned out, it was to be many months before they arrived.
Brother R came down by bakkie from Zimbabwe on 26 Feb 2004. We loaded up the bakkie with all the farm purchases and set out. It was an uneventful trip; we left early and arrived around
We spent the night at Cousin S and left the next morning to meet up with Owner D at about 9am the following morning. He had already left the farm and was travelling up from East London to hand over. We spent an interesting day counting sheep, cattle and farm implements and doing all those other things agreed in the contract of sale. The day was soon over and we were the proud occupants of the Farm. D spent his last night at the house, while we travelled back to S, just over the hill and advised that the deed was done.
We moved into the house the following day. It was like being back in university digs - only the most basic of furniture and equipment. Farming then started in earnest. One of the unexpected freebies of the purchase was James (the border collie cross) who could not go with D. James lives for two things, food and bakkie rides.
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